Hack Number 7 Curiosity Driven Emails

Curiosity Driven Emails

These are a series of Hacks on how to get more…
Emails opened and get more clicks.
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One of the best, greatest, newsletters, in the world, ok maybe just in the US. Is the National Enquirer. It’s the best because it concentrates on curiosity, it sells curiosity.

There are stories about who slept with who or is she the child of an alien?

It’s the same with emails, the ones that are curiosity driven will increase your clicks

The problem with using curiosity is that you get lots more clicks, but they are not quality clicks. You may get 1000s of subscriber using curiosity, but there is a downside.

This being said, I use curiosity a lot, because I don’t mind the downside, which is when you put links on your sequenced emails, you will get a lot of unsubscribes, I have had as many as 200 unsubscribe in a day from the list that I obtain from curiosity emails.

But that is a small proportion of the subscribers to the same list. I always send the subscribers to a new list on my autoresponder for curiosity emails, just so that I know exactly how many there are for that particular email.

As long as you are doing everything right, never worry about how many unsubscribes there are. Think of it like I do, if they unsubscribe, I don’t want them anyway. They would never become customers, so who needs them?

I also truly believe that when I am sending my subscribers to an affiliate link, it is up to the vendor of that product to make sure that his sales page converts!

If I get unsubscribes after sending to an affiliate link, I blame the vendor for not being able to capture them and has because of his/her inaptitude lost me a subscriber.

But that will be water under the bridge gone and forgotten.

My message to vendors is…

I don’t have to make the sales, that’s you job.

Don’t get emotionally attached to your subscribers, if you had 1,000 unsubscribes in one day, you would be devastated. Don’t be, it will increase your opens with clicks when you get rid of the tyre kickers from your list.

They will make your life easier in the long run.

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