Hack 11 Killer Headlines
You know what? I’d rather be anywhere but here, stuck at my desk, tapping away at the keyboard. I’d love to be out there, basking in the sun, or maybe even catching a movie. But no, I’m here, slaving away because I promised to share some insights on writing killer headlines.
So, let’s dive right in. The first thing you need to know about writing headlines is that it’s not as easy as it looks. But like anything else, the more you practice, the better you get. So, if you want to become a headline-writing maestro, you’ve got to…
Just Start Writing!
Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Don’t wait until you “feel like it.” Just sit down and start. Remember, the best way to get good at something is by doing it.
Now, when it comes to writing headlines that sell, you need to accomplish four things:
Grab Attention
Capture Interest
Arouse Desire
Motivate Action
This is the classic AIDA formula, and it’s as relevant today as it ever was.
So, how do you grab attention? One of the best ways is to…
Use Their Name!
If you can, use your reader’s name in the headline. It’s personal, it’s direct, and it’s incredibly effective.
For example:
John Doe, Discover The Secret To Doubling Your Income!
Jane Smith, Here’s How You Can Lose 10 Pounds In Just 7 Days!
But what if you can’t use their name? No problem. Here are three powerful alternatives:
- Share Some News
- Promise a Benefit
- Do Both
Here are some words that can help your headlines pack a punch: Announcing… At last… Now… How to… Discover… The secret of… Amazing… New…
Let’s look at an example that combines news value and a benefit:
Breaking News: Scientists Uncover New Method To Boost Memory By 300%!
See how that works? It grabs attention, it’s newsworthy, and it promises a benefit.
Why Are Headlines So Important?
Some experts say the headline accounts for 80% of an ad’s success. I’ve seen headline changes increase response rates by 400% or more. Headlines are crucial. They’re the first thing people see, and they determine whether or not people will keep reading.
So, how do you get good at writing headlines?
By Writing Headlines!
Here’s what you do: Collect headlines from magazines, newspapers, and websites. Write them down on index cards, one headline per card. Study them. Learn from them.
And if you’re looking for a great resource, check out:
101 Headline Formulas: Proven Examples To Inspire Your Next Campaign
It’s a fantastic collection of headlines that should be a part of every copywriter’s toolkit.
Now, let me share a true story. A few months back, I sent out an ad offering my copywriting services. I promised to make businesses more money, and I asked for a substantial fee plus a percentage of the increased profits.
A few days later, I got a call from a guy in Texas. He owned a chain of restaurants and wanted to hire me. But he couldn’t afford my percentage deal. So, I asked him what kind of increase in business would make my fee worthwhile.
“30%,” he said.
“Send me my fee, and I’ll make it happen,” I said.
He did, and I did. Within a month, his business was up by 35%.
How? By using killer headlines and compelling copy.
So, are you ready to start writing headlines that grab attention and drive action? Then it’s time to…
Get Started!
Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So, grab a pen and paper, and start writing. You’ll be a headline-writing whiz before you know it.
And if you ever get stuck, just remember…
Practice Makes Perfect!
Until next time,
P.S. If you liked this newsletter, please share it with your friends and colleagues. And if you have any topics you’d like me to cover in future issues, just let me know. I’m always here to help.