Viral Traffic Hack 2
Creative Commons Content
Before you start reading any of my viral traffic getting ideas, my solicitor has advised that I put this disclaimer here… The advice in this lesson is not legal advice and you may wish to consult a lawyer and original content owner before publishing other people’s content.
Traffic Finding Hack
CC has several licenses, knowing them will help you in your search for great content, because owners are able to specify how they wish content is to be used.
This is the page I use to find some really, really superb material to work with
Creative Commons
As you can see it looks like it will take you to a page that has only videos, but no, it has literary work as well, so before you click on the link, carry on reading this post so that you will understand exactly what you are looking for.
Because of Creative Commons, search engines have found the content that are good to use.
A good way to find creative commons using Google is…
And Yahoo…
These searches will let you find people’s websites and blogs where there will be relevant content for your niches. What I suggest is that when you find your content on the blogs or sites, copy-and-paste the content into a Word document and edit it so that it will be all in your own words.
I know this will seem a lot of work, but it is work that will be so worthwhile and the content then will be unique and as I said in the last post, make it so, good the reader will not stop reading until they have read every word.
Make sure that the keyword you use when searching is related to your niche, in fact use more than one keyword relating to your niche.
If you find non-commercial licensed content that can be re-published and you want to use it as is, you must give attribution to the owner/writer.
But, if you are and you should be going to use the content for profit, you will be best advised to contact the rights holder and make sure they are happy for you to use the content, providing a link back to them (giving attribution).
Please don’t think that everything you find will be usable, you’re going to find a lot of stuff that will of no use at all.
Forum results will usually be unusable, because they won’t be juicy enough to satisfy you or your readers.
The same for Social Bookmarks, you’ll find that the grammar used will be poor and the same as with forum results, not juicy enough.
Back to the beginning of this lesson, CC (Creative Commons) will be the ideal content for you to use, a lot will be packed with awesome stuff that you already have permission to republish.
To get the ideal content for you, you will need to dig deep and do a lot of searches.
I said it before, don’t just use one keyword for your niche, use a variety of keywords that are related to your main niche and to subniches of that niche. Using subniche keywords and main keywords will definitely bring you loads of success and great content that you can edit and use.
When I find a blog that has great content, I always check to make sure it is not ranked highly, but perfect for my needs. If the blog is not CC, that won’t matter, as I will copy-and-paste it into word and edit it completely into my own words.
Always be extra careful when you do find a CC page, it should have a link to which license it has, and how much of the content can be used. Don’t think that because you have one page CC, that the whole site is Creative Commons. It could be just the one page.
If there is no link to the CC license, right click on the page then click on View Page Source, when the new page opens in html, on a PC click control F and a box will appear, type creativecommons into the box and click enter.
If the Creative Commons license is next to an image, normally it is the image that is CC, if it is at the beginning or end of a piece of content, it likely applies to that particular piece.
If Creative Commons is in Footer or Header, then it normally applies to all the content in the page.
If CC is in Footer, Header, or sidebar it also normally applies to all the content in the page.
As long as you do as I do, and that is never, ever put any content your page that you have not put into your own words, you will never have any trouble with Google or any of the other search engines.
Your content will be unique.
Change everything, even the headline, make it your own and make it better than the original. Make the headline as unique as the rest of the page.
If on the original the owner has used sub-headings, the same thing applies, make it unique and make it BETTER!
You will only have 2 seconds to command the attention of your reader, so make sure that your introductory paragraph sucks your readers in. At the same time keeping Google and other SEs happy.
What I have covered so far, if done properly, you will never have trouble getting your pages ranked, your content if great and awesome will go viral. And will force your site up in the rankings.
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